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Info-ParaNet Newsletters Volume I Number 388
Tuesday, April 9th 1991
Today's Topics:
Hi, Gene!!!
'Either-Or' Thinking
The Grey Men Tape (1)
The Grey Men Tape (2)
The Grey Men Tape (3)
From: Clark.Matthews@paranet.FIDONET.ORG (Clark Matthews)
Subject: Hi, Gene!!!
Date: 6 Apr 91 23:29:00 GMT
Howarya, guy!
Long time, no type. I see you're still at DG in RTP!
I have my own BBS now, complete with mailer & ParaNet feeds.
I'll give you a call sometime. Still have the number...
PS -- I've got lots of interesting Alt. Tech files, the usual "defy
gravity and take long weekends in other dimensions" stuff. You
might find them interesting.
Clark Matthews - via FidoNet node 1:104/422
UUCP: !scicom!paranet!User_Name
INTERNET: Clark.Matthews@paranet.FIDONET.ORG
From: Clark.Matthews@paranet.FIDONET.ORG (Clark Matthews)
Subject: THEY'RE HERE!!
Date: 7 Apr 91 08:45:00 GMT
> In a message to All <04 Apr 91 14:52>
> well.sf.ca.us!ddrasin wrote:
> we> \../
> we> =oo=
> we> # m \/ w
> we> #_# \(__)/
> we>__________________ # # ^(__)^
> we>~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~\ #_# ^(__)^
> we> \__#__________________ _/ \_
> we> ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~\____________'____'________
> we> ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
> Your rendition of 'Teenage Mutant Ninja Ants'?
Teenage Mutant Alien Michelin-Men, maybe?
Clark Matthews - via FidoNet node 1:104/422
UUCP: !scicom!paranet!User_Name
INTERNET: Clark.Matthews@paranet.FIDONET.ORG
From: cwns1.ins.cwru.edu!ak842
Date: 8 Apr 91 11:36:26 GMT
From: ak842@cleveland.freenet.edu (Douglas Dever)
Oh geez... not this letter *again!* When I first started using my modem
(about a year ago) i ran across this letter and uploaded it to all the
boards in the 216 area code. Well... it really wasn't a way to get off to
a good start with the Sysop's because they thought I was just trying to
cause problems.... Oh well....
Whoever started that letter should get an award! As I hear it, about once
a year that letter makes it from coast-to-coast. Someone panics and ul's
it to an echo, and next thing you know is it's coming back again!
(It's heeeeerrreeee!) In conclusion, the letter *is false* and should be disregarded.
***** Proud Member of The Cleveland Free-Net UFOlogy SIG *****
*** Douglas A. Dever *** ak842@cleveland.freenet.edu
The IRC Awards: The Finest in Telecommunications (Coming to a chat near you)
As always: I can not be held responsible for the opinons I *** IRC CHAT NICK:
Express for I have foot in my mouth disease. :) *** Niltsiar
From: well.sf.ca.us!ddrasin
Subject: 'Either-Or' Thinking
Date: 8 Apr 91 11:37:07 GMT
From: ddrasin@well.sf.ca.us (Dan Drasin)
+ There is also the less-popular alternate theory that says that the
+ explanation for ufos is 'spiritual,' that is, only a small part of
+ the manifestations are actually physical, and everything else is
+ spectral (manipulations of light/ radar/magnetism/etc by 'spirit'
+ or extra-dimensional creatures who have some bizarre otherworldly
+ purpose for 'spooking' us on a regular basis). This theory would
+ be dealt a serious blow by the recovery of a working alien
+ spacecraft. ;^)
Huh? Steve, run that one by me again. Isn't that kind of like saying
that the existence of dogs would be dealt a serious blow by the
recovery of a cat?
Isn't it clear at this point that what we call UFOs arise from a
*variety* of causes and that we can expect to encounter some
profound surprises about the nature of reality in the process of
inquiring into this complex mystery?
If I were some conspirator hell-bent on short-circuiting the truth
about UFOs the first thing I'd do is promote 'either-or' thinking in
the ufological community. If I knew that the truth spanned a *range*
from 'A' to "Z" I'd do my best to get everyone factionalized and
arguing over whether it was 'A' *OR* "B." Then I'd send in a
'peacemaker' to argue that people really need to consider *both*
sides of the issue -- as if there were only two. Get the picture?
Hmmmm... Maybe one way to discover what's going on would be to
reverse the roles and play 'devil's advocate.' What would happen if
members of Paranet sent in suggestions about how *they* would
de-rail the investigation into UFO phenomena. Might be interesting,
and fun!
Dan Drasin
From: lush@ecn.purdue.edu (Gregory B Lush)
Subject: The Grey Men Tape (1)
Date: 8 Apr 91 22:02:08 GMT
From: lush@ecn.purdue.edu (Gregory B Lush)
Well, I broke down. Here is an excerpt from one of the Phoenix
Journals. It is included in both 'Space-Gate--The Veil Removed'
and in 'Spiral to Economic Disaster' from America West Publ.
I ask you to note the date of writing for this
document. The scribe who receives the radio frequencies from Hatonn
is 'Dharma.' Also, when Hatonn seems to "predict" in this writing,
he is guessing based on probabilities. You must remember that humans
are in control of these plans, so these humans have the ability to
change of the probabilities. The Pleidians speak of two types of
'grey men.' One is our familiar little grey aliens, the other is a
reference to International Bankers. Any highlighting is Hatonn's, not
mine. Enjoy. Read it slowly and carefully, and read it again.
For verification of some aspects of this information, I recommend
the following excerpts from Editorial Research Reports
(A publication of our Congress) available at your public library.
OPEC: 10 years after the Arab oil boycott. Sept. 23, 1983.
World Debt Crisis. Jan. 21, 1983.
the following from the Congressional Record,
December 5, 1979; pages 34793-4: An account of the Connection between
Rockefeller, Carter, Kissinger, Chase Manhattan Bank, and how the
Shah's money was removed from Iran.
December 20, 1979; pages 37630-2, 37640-2: Accounts of Sen. George
Hansen's trip to Iran to negotiate with Iranians for the release
of the hostages.
It is up to you to decide whether our Congress is a more credible
source of information than a Pleidian is.
This is an edited transcription of a lecture taped April 23, 1988.
The information is valid and, if anything, more easily recognized
I will be utilizing this information again when speak of economics,
but for now, I will modify from the audio tape to save time and repetition.
Let us call the group which has elaborate, and successful, plans to rule
your nation and your world, the Internationalists. When I refer to the
Internationalists I am referring to a very elite group of about twelve
to thirteen 'families'. These "families" hold your "purse strings"--zipper
and lock, to all the bags of money in your world. Sound impossible?
Nay, it is not only possible, it is extremely easy to visualize after
I have explained it to you.
As I move along, I will give you some names and places whereby you can
check it out on an individual basis. I wish never to place any human
at risk, however, so in all instances I will only refer to those
already having come forth with 'public' statements or information.
I will also have to explain a few terms used to have any sense of
continuity. Therefore, as we move along, forgive me of any digression in
attempt to give definition, i.e., 'fractional banking'.
First, you must fully come into understanding that there truly ARE the
elite few, with plans well foundationed and functioning, who control both
the world financial markets and ultimately will control all peoples of
the world. Do not err in your thoughts by thinking I am speaking of
'someone else in the world', I speak more for the United States of
America than I do of the remainder of your world.
As I pull portions of the puzzle together for this document
I shall again be referring to such groups as Trilateral Commission,
the Council of Foreign Relations, and the Bilderburgers. Forgive me
if I am repetitious. I may need to be repetitious in order to fit the
pieces in proper perspective.
You must know that there ar certain families (literally) that control
the hard currency. The countries wherein these families abide are known
as hard currency countries. These thirteen families have control of the policy
making and the decision making of the central banks of those countries.
They are owners, these families, of the majority of the stock of the regional
banks of the Federal Reserve System. 'Federal Reserve' would indicate to the
more uninformed, that this is a Federal Government Branch. This is untrue,
the Federal Reserve System is NOT a branch of your federal government.
Just as these families control the regional banks of the Federal Reserve
System, they also control the currencies that are not allowed to
fluctuate. Note here that the American dollar is the standard against which all
other currency is measured. All other nations ar affected according
to the changing values of the dollar. Not only do these families control
the currencies, but they likewise control the banks. This, friends,
is in all the leading nations of your world.
For ease of understanding, let us just consider the industrialized
nations at this point. I will also need to explain fractional banking to
you, because without understanding the lending system you cannot get the
picture properly. All of the banks under control of these families
practice fractional banking--and beyond--(sometimes there is no hard
money present at all). But, let us explain by example on a personal level.
This is actually referred to as fractional 'reserve' banking. Lenders
are allowed to loan a maximum of up to 20 to one. This is perfectly
legal, practiced by every lending institution in America and elsewhere.
Example: Mr. A goes to his friendly banker, Mr. B, and deposits one
thousand dollars ($1000) into Mr. B's bank. Mr. B's bank is a Savings
and Loan so Mr. A puts the $1000 into his own savings account. The Savings
and Loan is required by your laws, to keep only 5% in reserve. The are
allowed to loan out 95% of the money invested or 95% of that which is
placed into savings accounts. This means of $1000 there is $950 which
is available to be loaned out. In turn the Savings and Loan takes the
$950 and loans it to Mr. C to do some home repairs, let us say. This
gentleman takes his borrowed $950 and goes to the local hardware/lumber
company and purchases supplies, lumber, nails, etc.
The lumber company carries on regular banking and therefore, he
goes to his bank with the $950 for deposit, to Band D. Bank D is now
required to keep 5% but can load out 95% which would be $902.50.
Bank D now loans that to Mr. X who in turn filters it back into the
economy, let us suppose, through the grocery store and other
business stores. He spends it and now we have that money end up in
Bank Z. Bank Z is required keep 5%. That means that Bank Z can loan
out $857.37. It is again loaned and filtered back in to the economy.
This is continued right down to zero. With your $1000 deposit those bankers
using fractional reserve banking are now allowed to loan out $20,229.60.
This is practiced by EVERY lending institution in America and elsewhere.
The amounts above do not include 'interest' on the money borrowed, only
the principle amount.
You must now keep it in mind that this results in an increase in the
money supply through the Federal Reserve System. Your 'big boys' simply
turn up the speed of your money presses and run them a little faster
and faster in order to pump more in to the economy just to boost up the
fractional reserve banking. Let me remind you to keep in mind that the
thirteen families control all of the hard currencies of the world and are
allowed to practice this fractional reserve banking--this will be important
as we move along.
<Continued Next Message>
From: lush@ecn.purdue.edu (Gregory B Lush)
Subject: The Grey Men Tape (2)
Date: 8 Apr 91 22:09:41 GMT
From: lush@ecn.purdue.edu (Gregory B Lush)
We will now talk about something referred to, on your planet, as
'System 2000', which is a Global Creditors Unilateral plan. This plan went
into effect somewhere about the early 1970s. At that time a pentagon
official and several other officials visited Nigeria. They went to the Prime
Minister and paid him fifty million dollars ($50 million) to raise the price
of his oil to more than double. Nigerian oil is 'light crude' of quality
such that it is almost pure enough to burn immediately, without distillation,
in automobiles. This type of oil sets the price of oil for the entire world.
The $50 million was cash across the board with no repayment requirements
if Nigeria would double the price of light crude.
We will refer to this as light oil. There are only two locations
in the world that have this light oil and, of course, it is the most valuable
oil in your world, therefore, it is the standard against which all other oil
in the world is measured. So, whoever controlled the price of the light
oil at that time controlled the price of all of the oil in the world.
At this point, let us bring the Arabs into this scenario. This will also bring
in the Trilateral Commission--that also includes Mr. Bush. It was now time to
bring pressure and persuasion to OPEC. What most of you Americans do not
remember is that the United States of America IS A MEMBER OF OPEC. It is
kept most low profile.
At that time a 'deal was cut' with the Middle Eastern Oil Producers and
this is how it went; all buyers were prepared to pay significantly higher
prices for the oil--PROVIDED--all Middle Eastern nations supported the
To make this picture clear, you must remember that the Arabs, who are
wealthy sheiks today, had been wandering around on camelback in a very
big desert. They were nomads and they were certainly most unsophisticated
in business affairs. Years earlier when the international bankers found
out that there was oil in their countries, they went forth and persuaded
the Arabs to allow them to produce the oil by financing the oil fields,
drilling, rigging--all supplies including expertise.
After the bankers financed the oil fields they then charged the Arabs
usury fees for building the supply systems--along with refineries.
The usury was quickly repaid because the Arabs became very rich,
very quickly. (Way back then you were only paying about 30 cents
per gallon in your gasoline stations.) Let us now take it further, you go
to Nigeria and pay them to double the price of light crude. Unbeknownst
to the Arabs, those ones who had become wealthy overnight and didn't
know zero about business, much less international finance; the the el
nomads; you call them together and say, 'We will take the price of
crude just as high as you want it to go--IF--you will deposit an
established portion of the funds that you get from this NEW PROFIT RISE
Perhaps you ones can now understand the problems you experienced in your
early 1970s. Remember the gas lines and the prices of oil skyrocketing?
It was because the internation bankers, who hold the purses of the world, knew
that the increase in the price of oil that was going to the Arabs would
come rushing right back to their bank in 30 yer time certificates of deposit.
Turn now to the 30 year time deposits and let us examine the banker's plans.
Back in the late 70's and early 80's Sheik Ymani and his bunch had no
idea that there was a connection between those banks, or that they were the same
people that had the controlling interest of the major oil companies. Do you
see what has been woven here? After all, how could the camel riding nomads
realize the international bankers were 'having them' hook, line and up
to the fishing pole? How could they possibly know that what was happening
through these oil companies, was that the monies were being cycled right back
into the selected, no exceptions, banking system? They couldn't and they
Going a long ways back now; in the 1870's the Rockefellers set up something
called a Joint Stock Trust. Here I will add, this was just a brief period
of time before the American Government declared these trusts illegal. BUT,
control of the Rockefeller Foundation, and, in turn controls the Federal
Reserve Bank and is the method whereby the Internationalists are able to gain
control of the currency of the U.S.A.
Does it begin to become reasonable that those New York banks ar showing
all time record earnings? Yet, all around the rest of your country of the
U.S., banks and Savings and Loans are going broke and failing. THAT, FRIENDS,
Let us come back now, and speak of the deal which 'was cut' (Your ones in
power love that term) with the Saudi Arabians and ones of the Middle East.
These ones were required to put their money into the prime banks; keep in
mind that they did not know that the prime banks were able to lend in
amounts of twenty to one. (20 to 1 was quite a while ago, it is higher
at present.) All they were receiving was the interest on the money they had
deposited. Worse for them, in some of these countries it is unacceptable
to receive interest for religious reasons so they might wait thirty
years to get any money from their certificates of deposit. In other words,
they did not know that this fractional type of banking could be done,
but through this, the bankers of the world were able to gain control of the
money of the Arab world, and in turn the Arab world only received back part
of the interest from the money that they placed into the International Banking
Through the money gained from the Arabs through the manipulation of the
price of oil, and taking the price of gasoline from, let us say, 30 cents
a gallon to $1.25 a gallon--there is a lot of money being made. Now, with
that money returning into the international banks at 20 to 1, I think you can
see the staggering profits. Let us face facts, friends, that money originally
came from YOU. Because the bankers had locked in the deposits they were then,
in turn, able to make loans to third world nations.
Think back fifteen or twenty years ago when the International Bankers started
investing in third world country loans. LOOK VERY CLOSELY AT THE COUNTRIES
You might wonder how I know so much. Well, I have the best computer system
in the universe and all I have to do is key it up and it is spread out before
me. My computers rarely reflect errors; only changes in 'probabilities' and
perturbations in human action and reactions.
I am sorry, friends, your friendly bankers set it up deliberately so that the
third world countries would go broke. You have to pay attention to history and
look back to the time when those third world countries were beginning to gain
independence and setting up independent governments. It was at such times that
these bankers loaned the upstarts great sums of money which actually had come
to them through the Arabs, basically.
The international bankers not only wanted, but insured, that these
borrowing countries would misuse the fundings. It was fully intended
that the funds could be be mismanaged through greed and simply be squandered.
You must remember that the leaders of these countries had never governed
anything or anybody. They knew nothing about government. They had been
colonies under the governorship of other larger countries.
The international bankers knew that the leaders were bound to squander the
funds. It was known they would have no way to know what to do with them
(and they were massive) and so the cycle goes. They were actually squandering
money taken from you through the Arabs through high oil prices, etc. Let us
now follow it on through.
[Continued Next Article]
From: lush@ecn.purdue.edu (Gregory B Lush)
Subject: The Grey Men Tape (3)
Date: 8 Apr 91 22:13:55 GMT
From: lush@ecn.purdue.edu (Gregory B Lush)
I will hereby digress to a story from Dharma's earth home state--Texas--most of
you have heard of it. Let us go back some years (not too many) to jog
some memories. Do you remember someone named John Connelly, who was
governor of Texas? Do you recall that he was also in the vehicle and was
injured during John Kennedy's assassination? Well, Mr. Connelly was also
Under Secretary of the Treasurer--he was a lot of things and titles. These
ones with Mr. Connelly did a most fascinating thing--they planned to
implement a new currency for the State of Texas. You see, Texas is a part
of the Union only through a renewable 'treaty'. The treaty is automatically
renewed every year, but it isn't necessary that it be renewed. That means,
friends, that the U.S. only has a treaty with Texas to keep it in the union
of states. It was not voted in as were your other states.
Texas was at one time--I believe you term might be 'filthy rich'. The state
was wealthy and there were many very, very wealthy individuals. Rich
individuals such as the Hunt brothers, who actually had nothing originally,
but became extremely wealthy, overnight, by OIL. That was all the way back
when oil was first struck and became so popular.
I am truly going to tie all this together but you must bear with me for there
are so many facets. I must make it clear what I am going to say. I will
explain to you why, if you don't already know, it was so very important to
ones of 'the opposition', and why there was an assassination attempt against
Mr. Connelly's life as well as Kennedy's.
Why are those men 'broken' today and a state in severe financial trouble?
It is because the Internationalists learned of what the Hunt brothers and
Mr. Connelly were trying to do. Texas, a state by treaty, can legally
secede from your union. The Hunt brothers and Mr. Connelly knew that
Texas had the ability to set up their own country and have their own
currency. That is why they could be solvent and not be under the dictates
of the Federal Reserve System. Or, simply stated, under the control of
the international bankers.
At about the same time they were in the process of gaining a corner on the
silver of the world. This was in order to finance a process whereby they
could overcome the international bankers and it was at that point the Hunt
brothers were smashed. John Connelly was almost killed, and Texas, which could
have been the only state in the union to fulfill breaking out of the trap,
has been punished with some extremely major problems. Today, portions of
Dallas and Fort Worth, Houston and other wealthy, wealthy cities have gone
on to resemble ghost towns in your Old West. Ones who had grown rich in the
oil industry have been severely punished, the Hunts and Connelly are bankrupt.
The Internationalists became so incensed, so angry, at what these Texans had
done that they broke the back of the oil industry, and the major oil producers
of Texas. It was a well designed plan and executed in perfection.
When ones attempt to interfere with the plans of the international bankers, you
can see what the results can be. The Hunt brothers were working directly
with the Shah of Iran, on the above plan. Immediately thereafter one of the
Texas bankers was killed, the Shah of Iran deposed, and the Hunt brothers
were forced into bankruptcy.
There are many ways the internation bankers can get revenge on ones who
attempt interference with their overall plan; through murder, or you might well
be placed into a mental institution and locked away permanently, or you can
have trumped up charges brought against you whereby you are locked away
indefinitely in prison. This latter has also happened to numerous ones in the
'UFO' investigation circles who find and bring forth truth. It is exactly
what happened to Colonel Wendelle Stevens. Colonel Stevens probably has
investigated more UFO incidents than any other one individual. Further,
an assassination plot was arranged and attempted while Colonel Stevens
was incarcerated. Strangely, the perpetrator, who dressed as a religious
leader, was caught in the act, turned over to the FBI, and has never been
heard from again. So be it.
If you will recall, the Shah of Iran was in perfect health when he was
deposed and departed Iran. He was only declared to be sick after he reached
the United States. You were told he was being held in 'protective' custody
at a military base. There, you were also told, he was being treated for his
illness--which was not present at the time of his arrival. He died anyway,
didn't he? Face it--his death was planned and the murder executed.
In your present months there is an international uproar over the use the of
chemical and germ warfare utilized Iran and Iraq. Some of the viruses cannot
be traced--nor, in such above instances, would anyone dare to pursue it.
Who would question a man becoming ill, being treated and then expiring
unexpectedly? Certainly no one in the United States would question it.
You were uncomfortable enough just having the man in your country. Death
can most effectively be brought about in any number of non-traceable ways;
one of which is through micro-dots and variations of vibration frequencies,
as well through viruses. (This is exactly what happened to Dharma, in
her own dwelling--causing cardiac arrest. We just happen to have her under
constant monitoring for she is a receiver of several of us in this higher
frequency dimension; therefore, we can catch these attempts and counter
them. Doesn't do much for the mental relaxation of the victim, however.)
You can get verification of these little stories from Senator John Hansen
of you own government. I am going to speak of Iran and your people who were
taken hostage. I doubt many of you have heard the truth of the matter.
Senator Hansen was in the House of Representatives in Washington, D.C. He
knew what was happening in Iran and requested permission to go to Iran and
investigate. Congress refused. Mr. Hansen then purchased his own private
airline ticket and proceeded to Iran anyway.
When Senator Hansen arrived, the one Khomeni proffered an audience. Guess
what Khomeni said? He said, 'We don't want these hostages, certainly not any
more than you want us to have them'. 'As a matter of fact," Khomeni continued;
'I'd like to give you these hostages, at least half of them anyway, and you can
take them home with you tomorrow morning. That is, Mr. Hansen, if you will
promise to begin an investigation into the relationship between the Shah of
Iran, Chase Manhatten Bank, Mr. Henry Kissinger and your President Carter.'
At this point, Senator Hansen was most delighted. He rushed to call back
to the U.S. to someone who could give authorization and said 'Hey, I can
bring half of the hostages home tomorrow. How shall I arrange it?' The
person on the other end of the line said, 'Well, I will call you back
tomorrow and let you know.' Now please guess what happened on the following
morning? When the call was placed back to Mr. Hansen, he was told the
following, 'Get yourself on the next airplane coming to America. Come home
immediately. Do not bring hostages. Do not do any negotiating. You have no
right to speak on the part of the Congress of the United States of America
even if you are a congressman. Get home immediately with no further discourse.'
Here is what he found upon his return to Washington--that the incident was
entered into the Congressional record. Further he found that President
Carter knew the hostages were going to be taken and further--knew that they
were there for a reason and he was not to interfere. Now, you ones get yourself
ready for a bomb if you have not already had access to this expose. The
release of the hostages in Iran was negotiated by a negotiator of Chase
Manhattan Bank in New York, U.S.A. All outside overt and covert attempts to
gain release was a facade. Ask any marine who was involved in the military
efforts thereof.
Is it really any wonder to you ones that Iran is all ticked off at you today?
Those hostages, and America, were held in terror while bankers got the Shah's
money safely into their banks before the Shah was killed and then, in turn,
got much of the money belonging to Iran. A pretty wicked way to get Iran's
money into the Chase Manhattan Bank to it could remain solvent and be one
of the wealthiest institutions in the entire world.
The international banks formed bank 'holding companies' so that they could
not be held responsible. The Chase Manhattan, Chemical Bank and J.P. Morgan's
bank were the predominant banks for money deposited by the Arabs. The
holding companies were formed in order to loan out money to the third world
countries while knowing full well that the third world countries were going
to go broke.
After the Shah had been destroyed and the money was safely in the banks, there
were massive amounts of money loaned to third world countries. These notes
were shifted from the banks to the bank holding companies in anticipation
of the eventual bankruptcy of the borrowing countries.
One holding company was for the purpose of loaning money to the third world
countries. The purpose of the second holding company was to borrow money
from the international bank in order to purchase agricultural lands. That
means you farms and also certain corporations in the United States. The
farms and businesses will probably continue to make some money, but the third
world countries are destined to go down. This is ongoing, dear ones, not a
passing fancy.
[Continued Next Message]
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